
Terms of Use

By using Clams, you agree to not upload any of the following:

  1. illegal content under US law
  2. pornography of any kind
  3. copyright material you don't own rights to

We are not responsible for what is uploaded by users, and will remove content found in violation of the terms above via the abuse reporting system. If you are unclear if your product violates our terms, please contact us first.

We cannot and will not attempt to view the contents of uploaded products unless we have the decryption key (given to us via e-mail or the abuse reporting system), and:

  • we have been instructed to by the uploader, or
  • we have been instructed by authorities to take down the content

If we discover that our font-end code has been tampered with to attempt to bypass or break backend code, then your product listings will be deleted immediately.

Refunds are not issued for any reason. Please take caution before purchasing an item from someone you do not trust. You will need to contact the seller to organize a refund. If you are wanting a refund due to technical issues, please contact us so we may help resolve the issue. However, we will not provide a refund due to our inability to verify the purchaser is not also the seller.

Clams is only guaranteed to work (uploading files, and purchasing/downloading files) on Mac and Linux using Chrome version 120 or higher Do not attempt to buy or sell on this platform if you are not using Chrome or the mentioned OSs. Tor Browser / Firefox support for modern browser features is unfortunately quite far behind. We are not responsible for issues related to unsupported OSs/browsers, but may try to assist.

We also reserve the right to update these docs over time at our discretion. As such, you'll want to check these documents from time to time to ensure you're still in the clear.

Last updated: June 26, 2024

Privacy Policy

By design, Clams cannot know anything about the contents of uploaded products. This includes:

  • file contents
  • file name
  • product title
  • product description
  • product preview image

However, Clams does know the following to make the service functional:

  • file size (approximate)
  • product price
  • uploader Monero address

Additionally, we want to respect the individual privacy of our users and thus don't use any 3rd party analytics (aside from Sentry server-side for error monitoring) or tracking. We do, however, log IP addresses and user agents for the time being to prevent abuse. If you don't want us to know who you are, feel free to use a VPN or our .onion service while using Clams.

Furthermore, because Clams is built on top of Monero, we don't have any knowledge about buyers of your products. We only know that someone has purchased your product. Consequently, we don't know anything about sellers other than their Monero address.

Please read our font-end source code to understand how your data is encrypted on your device before it hits our servers. We've worked hard to create a vanilla JavaScript, zero-dependency implementation of end-to-end encryption so that the code is easily auditable by you.

Last updated: June 25, 2024